5 Fantastic Couch Co-op Games to Play on PS5
By: Amber Stefanson | November 8, 2022
Local multiplayer games are hard to come by on the PlayStation 5, but there are a few great titles out there if you value the experience of gaming with a friend, family member, or partner. To help you get started, we put together our picks for the best couch co-op games on the PS5, with options for every skill level and group size.
It Takes Two (Max Players: 2)

(Image Credit: Electronic Arts)
It Takes Two shrinks both players into a large-scale world, reminiscent of platformers like Pikmin or Unravel Two. It’s ideal for dynamic duos who love a challenge since, unlike most local multiplayer games, it’s impossible for one player to carry the team. The game forces players to split up and complete their own challenges.
The story follows May, a bossy engineer with a competitive streak, and Cody, a fun-loving stay-at-home-father with a lack of self-awareness. After a big fight, the couple is magically transformed into their daughter’s handmade dolls. Before Cody and May can return to their human form, they must navigate through the unfamiliar terrain of their home as seen from ankle-height.
It Takes Two is a 10-15 hour game, so you’ll likely need more than a few sessions to finish it. In between levels, charge both controllers with a fast-charging controller dock so they’re ready to go for the next time you play.
Sackboy: A Big Adventure (Max Players: 4)

(Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment)
With its customizable avatars and loads of handcrafted worlds to explore, this adorable platformer has a little something for everybody. Casual gamers can hop through colorful levels that are synced up to the game’s upbeat soundtrack, while completionists can explore every hidden path, collecting currency and building their collection of costumes along the way.
Although you can play this game solo, multiplayer mode is where this game truly shines. Sackboy: A Big Adventure supports up to four players, making it a great choice for parties. Players can either work together to finish levels more efficiently, or they can compete to win by collecting the most score bubbles, which are Sackboy’s version of the points system. There are also levels that are only available when you play the game with two or more people, so if you want the full experience, we recommend playing Sackboy with friends.
When you’re playing multiplayer games like Sackboy, it can be difficult to keep track of all your controllers, which is why we recommend getting some decorative faceplates so you always know whose controller is whose.
A Way Out (Max Players: 2)

(Image Credit: Electronic Arts)
For those who prefer a more cinematic experience, A Way Out combines action and roleplaying challenges without compromising the gritty realism of the game. It follows two men with a tenuous friendship who team up to escape from prison. Gameplay includes a ton of puzzles and minigames that don’t break the flow of gameplay. This game is story-heavy, so while it’s accessible to casual players, the tense environment keeps you on your toes enough that even the most experienced gamers won’t get bored.
A Way Out requires two players, but unlike the other games on this list, you can also play it online. It only takes about 6-8 hours to finish, so you can complete it in just a few sessions.
KeyWe (Max Players: 2)

(Image Credit: Fireshine Games)
If you thrive in chaos, you’ll love KeyWe. This puzzle game is a spiritual successor to Overcooked. You’ll play as two kiwis who were recently hired as trainee postal workers, so you will have to complete a variety of small tasks in a limited amount of time. Although you can play this one solo, you’ll want the extra help as you rush against the clock to sort through packages. But if you prefer a more laid back experience, you can turn off the timer and enjoy all the zany platforming and word puzzles at your own pace.
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Unlimited Players)

(Image Credit: Steel Crate Games)
Do you want to put your communication skills to the test? Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a tense game that requires an in-sync team to work together and diffuse a bomb. Gameplay gets hectic as players have to team up and compete against a timer of five minutes or less.
Only the player with the controller can see the bomb, so this person has to explain to their teammates what the bomb looks like, while their teammates read from a set of instructions on their personal devices. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes supports as many people as your living room does — the only requirement is that those with the instructions can’t see the bomb and the player with the bomb can’t see the instructions. As you can probably imagine, the game can quickly become chaotic in the last moments before the explosion.
Customize Your Gaming Experience
We hope some of the games from this list piqued your interest. Regardless of your play style, NexiGo has you covered with PS5 accessories to make your console your own. Spice your console up with bold decorative panels, or upgrade your co-op gaming experience while matching the minimalist PS5 aesthetic with our dual controller charger.